👋Welcome to DAOTON.io


DAOTON.io is a DAO platform on TON with strong integration to Telegram: Design, build, deploy, run, manage, use your DAO's no-code with an easy to use UI/UX heavily integrated with Telegram.

This killer app aims to gather DAOs on the Telegram and TON ecosystems. It also introduces the lockable token concept for improved efficiency in staking based DAO, DeFi, GameFi, etc dApp use cases.

The project started as a buidl for the Hack-a-TONx hackathon. It was selected by the jurry to Quadratic Funding Grant, and reached the top of the leaderboard thanks to community votes. It is built by a team that was created in the hackathon Telegram groups, in the harsh aftermath of the chain of catastrophic earthquakes that devastated our country (Turkey) during the hackathon. We thought it is time to build. One thing we recognized during the earthquake was that classical institutions are corrupt and do not have the flexibility needed in today’s fast paced evolutionary environment. People’s freedom to organize is important to build and solve. Until DAOs we had two options:

  1. Classical Institutions: Corporations, foundations, private and public institutions, etc. Banks, universities, corporations, and the state are good examples. These fit large-scale use cases with stability and legal obligations. However, they are extremely slow and corrupt for most other use cases. Since corruption in financial institutions, government, corporations has been vastly studied and demonstrated; let us give a lighter example: Universities could not cope up with the pace of evolution in learning the way soft, decentralized channels did. Universities still rely heavily on the centuries old higher education, and the evolution accelerating. It is almost certain such classical institutions will become irrelevant in more contexts in the future.

  2. Social media: Telegram groups, Discord servers, Youtube channels, Whatsapp groups, web sites, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, are among places where people can organize. These groups are dynamic and loose which serves some contexts pretty well. Telegram groups can be created and deleted very easily and fast. Its rule can change as fast as admins deem appropriate. However, these groups lack some merits of the legal entities like stability, some confidence related use cases, the power to organize to execute medium to large scale enterprises, etc.

There is a gap between these two extremes. And the gap is increasing as the civilization and technology evolves faster. DAOs are among the most popular options to fill in this gap. DAO concept is huge and like all big revolutions it has the classical lifecycle of tech adoption. We believe we are somewhere between the innovators and the early adopters phases.

It is normal to fail in many DAO attempts; failures help the evolution. We need tools that make it easy to innovate and experiment on the DAO concept. This way we will have more great DAO examples sooner. DAOTON.io is designed as a no-code platform and ecosystem where people can meet, organize in all sorts of DAOs without the need for a web3/web2 development team.

  1. We decided to build it on TON, because TON’s sharded, asynhoronous design makes it possible for mass adoption.

  2. We integrated it with Telegram because it is the messaging app of the Web3 world. We will develop both the TON implementation and Telegram integration for more use cases.

We also created the Lockable Token Standard during the buidl phase of DAOTON and plan to convert it to a TEP.

▶️Video Demo📪Use Cases

Lockable Tokens Standard (TEPs developed in this BUIDL)

You may jump straight to the heart of our innovation in our BUIDL.

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